Leadership Lessons From Nehemiah–Part 4
As we continue our journey through the life of Nehemiah, we have noted how he led the people in the vital task of supporting the remnant in Jerusalem and rebuilding the walls. I noted last time that Nehemiah was moved to bring this matter before the Lord. We talked about the importance of prayer in general, and how we need leaders who bring the burden of leadership before the Lord. As we think about […]
Leadership Lessons From Nehemiah–Part 3
We’ve been talking about the story of Nehemiah and have been using this excerpt from the Biblical text as a model to provide some guidance for how churches move forward in ministry. I have noted that Nehemiah led the people of Israel in the monumental task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, but that this […]
Leadership Lessons From Nehemiah–Part 2
Last week I mentioned how I’ve been thinking about the book of Nehemiah. In order for churches to move forward after the difficult year that God in His providence brought their way, I believe it is helpful to study the example of others who have led during difficult times. Last week we noted how the […]
Leadership Lessons From Nehemiah–Part 1
I’ve been meditating on the story of Nehemiah–specifically the first two chapters of the book titled with his name. I’ve been thinking about change, growth, and progress. Nehemiah led the people of Israel in this incredible initiative to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem! But this endeavor was a process. It was not something that just happened overnight. How […]