Hey there, I’m Jared! I’m just an ordinary guy living in Minnesota. I’m the husband to a wonderful woman named Emily and a dad to four energetic and enthusiastic boys. I have had the privilege of serving as a pastor in several Minnesota churches, and currently serve as the director of communications at Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Plymouth, Minnesota. I graduated from Central Seminary with my Masters of Divinity am a certified church revitalization consultant with Church Answers, and currently host The Central Seminary Podcast.
There are just a few things that get me up in the morning. Coffee, of course, is one–I could not imagine a day without coffee! Wouldn’t want to either. My wife Emily is another reason I get up in the morning. We have lived in Minnesota together since we were married in July of 2010. We have had so many great adventures together since we left our family and friends in Pennsylvania to pursue seminary and eventually ministry in Minnesota! One of our greatest adventures, and the third thing that gets me up in the morning, is our family. We have four wonderful boys who came to us along our journey into foster care. I could not imagine a day without waking up to their wonderful smiles, adventurous personalities, and energetic enthusiasm. Well ok, let’s be honest, sometimes I might imagine a morning without the energetic enthusiasm at the crack of dawn, but that is just part of having boys!
We love to go on adventures both as a family and individually. Emily and I have both completed several marathons and ultra-marathons in pursuit of our love for running and everything outdoors. With the boys, we enjoy nature hikes, parks, and have even been known to frequent a few playgrounds (very frequently, actually).
Another important part of our family is the church. I have served as a pastor for seven years, and a senior pastor for five of those years. We are very passionate about ministry and service to the King of kings!

Hey there, I’m Jared! I’m just an ordinary guy living in Minnesota. I’m the husband to a wonderful woman named Emily and a dad to four energetic and enthusiastic boys. I have had the privilege of serving as a pastor in several Minnesota churches, and currently serve as the director of communications at Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Plymouth, Minnesota. I graduated from Central Seminary with my Masters of Divinity, am a certified church revitalization consultant with Church Answers, and currently host The Central Seminary Podcast. Am also nearing phas 3 of my ACBC certification in Biblical counseling.
There are just a few things that get me up in the morning. Coffee, of course, is one–I could not imagine a day without coffee! Wouldn’t want to either. My wife Emily is another reason I get up in the morning. We have lived in Minnesota together since we were married in July 2010. We have had so many great adventures together since we left our family and friends in Pennsylvania to pursue seminary and eventually ministry in Minnesota! One of our greatest adventures, and the third thing that gets me up in the morning, is our family. We have four wonderful boys who came to us along our journey into foster care. I could not imagine a day without waking up to their wonderful smiles, adventurous personalities, and energetic enthusiasm. Well ok, let’s be honest, sometimes I might imagine a morning without the energetic enthusiasm at the crack of dawn, but that is just part of having boys!
We love to go on adventures both as a family and individually. Emily and I have both completed several marathons and ultra-marathons in pursuit of our love for running and everything outdoors. With the boys, we enjoy nature hikes, parks, and have even been known to frequent a few playgrounds (very frequently, actually).
Another important part of our family is church ministry. I have served as a pastor for seven years, and a senior pastor for five of those years. Currently, in my role at Central Seminary, I oversee all the digital communication, social media, and website, and host The Central Seminary Podcast. One of my favorite parts of my current role is being available on weekends to help pastors and churches in need of pulpit supply. God has given me so many great opportunities for ministry and service to the King of kings!
My purpose for this blog is kind of selfish—the blog is mainly for me! I view this blog as an opportunity for me to express many of the things I am not able to express. In ministry, there is only so much of what I learn that can be shared in a sermon or formal church setting due to time or depth. I view this blog as an overflow of what I have been studying, reading, and contemplating.
My writings mainly lie in the realm of ministerial, expositional, and Biblical considerations. Occasionally I may include content from family or life in general. Since my goal is to crystalize my own thoughts on a variety of topics, you will never know what you might find, so be prepared for anything!
Besides the fact that everything we do is for the glory of God, I have a few people in mind when I write. First, I write for myself. I view my writing as an opportunity to hone my thoughts and sharpen my skills as I grow in
my own perspectives and viewpoints.
Second, I write for my friends at our local
church, wherever that may be at the time. Whether serving as a pastor or a lay member, my desire is to help grow the body of Christ as I learn and grow myself in my own ministry thoughts and skills.
Beyond that, I write for anyone else who will invest time in reading the content posted—I hope that is you!
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