Paradigm Shifts for Churches in 2022 and Beyond—Part 6
Introduction Our discussion over the past several weeks has been over paradigm shifts for churches. We have been discussing how churches can navigate the difficult years ahead and experience fruitful ministry. For an introduction to the discussion, you can go here. We have evaluated five paradigm shifts that need to take place in churches; today […]
Paradigm Shifts for Churches in 2022 and Beyond–Part 5
Introduction We have been discussing paradigm shifts for church ministry. You can go here to see the first article in the series, talking about eight important shifts for churches to survive this year and beyond. Today we discuss a fifth shift in church culture that must happen for ministries to thrive: a shift from a […]
Paradigm Shifts for Churches in 2022 and Beyond–Part 4
Introduction We are continuing in our series on the topic of paradigm shifts for churches in 2022 and beyond. You can go here to see the first article in the series. Today we discuss a fourth paradigm shift that I believe needs to happen for churches to move forward: a shift from a country club […]
Paradigm Shifts for Churches in 2022 and Beyond–Part 3
Introduction As we continue our discussion on changes in church culture, another crucial paradigm shift for churches to thrive is a shift from a consumer culture to a discipleship culture. Churches with members who want what they want are destined to die if they do not change. Churches with members who prioritize ministering to other […]
Paradigm Shifts for Churches in 2022 and Beyond Part 2
Introduction We have been discussing shifts that need to take place for churches to move forward in the next year and beyond. In our first article, we discussed eight different paradigm shifts which are important for churches to practice. Last week we mentioned the shift from “looking in” to a culture that is “looking out.” […]
Paradigm Shifts for Churches in 2022 and Beyond–Part 1
Introduction If you have read the introduction to this article series, you know that in that first article we highlighted eight different paradigm shifts which churches need to consider if they are to navigate the changing times of our changing world. Times have not been easy on churches; many will struggle; some will close. Having […]
Paradigm Shifts for Churches in 2022 and Beyond–Introduction
Introduction The time we live in—this current period in church history, is a difficult one. This episode has been dubbed by several as “the great resignation,” due to all the pastors and men in church ministry who have resigned or have been forced to resign from their position in Christian service. Considering all of the […]
Problems, Pain, and Perseverance
Introduction Do you ever get tired in your spiritual life? Sometimes we can be prone to weariness in serving God or doing what’s right. Life can be difficult, and the burdens of this world can wear upon our souls. But Galatians 6:9 reminds us: “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time […]
Book Review–The Doctrine and Administration of the Church
The Doctrine and Administration of The Church Book Review Recently I read the book The Doctrine and Administration of the Church by Paul R. Jackson. While I had never heard of this book previously, it was recommended to me as a standard text on the topic of church polity. Therefore, I decided to read through […]