Nuggets and Nuances: A Lesson in Careful Interpretation—Luke 8:52-53
Introduction I recently had the opportunity to preach from Luke 8:40-56 (yet again), the story of Jairus and his daughter. I do not usually like to re-preach sermons, but this was a last-minute fill-in for a pastor who was ill. I have had plenty of time to meditate on this text, having written the initial […]
Nuggets and Nuances—Luke 8:40-56: A Story Within a Story?
Introduction Recently I had the opportunity to preach for a second time on the story of Jairus and his daughter. The account I presented was from Luke 8:40-56. This story is unique amongst many Biblical narratives in that the episode appears to include a story within a story. The story begins with the account of […]
Nuggets And Nuances–Luke 10:38-42
Introduction Recently I preached on the account of Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42. As I prepared for this text, I did what I always do whenever I can—I translated the text from Greek to English, noting the main verbs, participles, infinitives, and a few lesser significant parts of speech. My goal in this was […]
Nuggets and Nuances—On Word Studies
Introduction When interpreting the Word of God, great care needs to be taken to understand words. If we as interpreters believe in verbal, plenary inspiration (and I do), then we must conclude that every word in the text appears as part of the plan of God. Even down to the exact tense and form of […]
Nuggets and Nuances–II Timothy 2:22
Context, Context, Context I remember very vividly my hermeneutics professor in Bible college. One thing he used to tell us in almost every class was “context is king.” I have also heard it said that “context is key;” either way, context is important. We cannot allow ourselves to interpret a verse apart from the context! This […]
Nuggets and Nuances–A Study in Context
A Study In Context Though this series is generally dedicated to dealing with exegetical nuances based on language and words, this time we deal with an issue in general exegesis—an issue in context. Any Bible interpreter worth his or her salt will give adequate consideration to the context of a passage. Sometimes however, a passage […]
Nuggets and Nuances
Where We Have Been I have been sharing with you my own personal method for exegesis. I have noted how that my exegesis begins with an evaluation of the text in the original languages. I have shared how that I believe I need to do my own exegesis, and that I should not rely on […]
Nuggets and Nuances–Exegetical Method
Where We Left Off In my last post, which was an “introduction” to this series, which I’ve called “nuggets and nuances”, I talked about the importance of the Biblical languages and why I use them. I noted that I believe I need to do my own work in the text and not rely on the […]
Nuggets And Nuances–An Introduction
Introduction For a while now I have been meaning to start a blog series entitled “nuggets and nuances”. In fact, the very motivation for this blog came from my desire to write on topics related to exegesis and to share what I learn as I do my exegetical work in sermon preparation. So much of […]