Nuggets and Nuances: A Lesson in Careful Interpretation—Luke 8:52-53
Introduction I recently had the opportunity to preach from Luke 8:40-56 (yet again), the story of Jairus and his daughter. I do not usually like to re-preach sermons, but this was a last-minute fill-in for a pastor who was ill. I have had plenty of time to meditate on this text, having written the initial […]
Nuggets and Nuances
Where We Have Been I have been sharing with you my own personal method for exegesis. I have noted how that my exegesis begins with an evaluation of the text in the original languages. I have shared how that I believe I need to do my own exegesis, and that I should not rely on […]
“Good Friday”?
Good Friday. Have you ever wondered how the Friday before Easter got the name good? What is good about the crucifixion of God’s own Son? Why not “sad” Friday, or “dark” Friday, or “sorrowful” Friday? Actually, it is called “sorrowful Friday” in some languages and countries, but why is it “good” in our language? I have always wondered the answer to this […]