Where We Are Heading
We have been talking about discipleship in these articles, and I have been attempting to help us all understand the nature of Biblical discipleship and develop better discipleship relationships in our lives. Today I would like to focus on the call to discipleship. How did Jesus go about making disciples? Jesus called them. He simply invited men to be His disciples. Last time we focused on Matthew 4:19 as a definition for what a disciple ought to be. But this passage also enlightens us to the method Christ used for calling disciples. The text says And He said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of people. Notice the call. It was not elaborate, drawn out, or even something especially profound. It was a simple invitation–Follow me. The calling of Peter, James, and John was also in a similar fashion. After telling these three fishermen to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, Jesus said to Peter “from now on you will be catching people.” The call to Philip was much the same–Jesus simply said follow me.