Pastoral Reflections on Life and Ministry

Real Life Discipleship–Part 5

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Quality Or Quantity

As we continue to think about discipleship, I would like to think about the importance of quality time.  When it comes to a discipleship relationship, we need to focus on quality over quantity.  What do I mean by this?  Jesus spent a large amount of time with crowds of people.  If you were to measure the quantity of time He spent doing Gospel ministry, He spent a large quantity with hundreds, even thousands of people.  But He only had twelve disciples.  The difference is quality–Jesus spent quality time training and teaching the men we know as the twelve disciples.  He would regularly pull them aside and have private talks as a group; sometimes He even pulled aside individuals from the disciples to minister to them personally.  But the movement that we know today called Christianity did not begin on the shoulders of those whom Christ spent quantity time with, it is founded on those with whom He spent quality time.

Final Thoughts

So what is the lesson for us in all of this?  In discipleship, we need to focus on quality and not quantity.  If you come to church regularly, you spend a large amount of time with believers.  But this does not by default mean that you have quality discipleship relationships with believers.  What about your quality?  Who do you have in your life for the type of quality relationship Jesus had with His disciples?  A relationship where you are investing in someone else or being invested in yourself?  We all need these types of relationships in order for us to grow as well as for us to train others.  Evaluate your life this week and look at your quality time–is there another believer with whom you have a quality relationship, or is it just quantity?  I hope that in your spiritual life and relationships you will seek to follow the example of Jesus and find people with whom you can spend quality time as you seek to fulfill your mission to make disciples!

Jared Matthew


Hey there, I’m Jared! I’m just an ordinary guy living in Minnesota. I’m the husband to a wonderful woman named Emily and a dad to four energetic and enthusiastic boys. I have had the privilege of serving as a pastor in several Minnesota churches, and currently serve as the director of communications at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. 

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