Pastoral Reflections on Life and Ministry

Thoughts on Gratitude

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I have been pondering the concept of gratitude. At certain times, gratitude seems easy.  At other times, one must fight for gratitude.  Particular circumstances or situations in life are conducive to gratitude, while others make it more difficult.  On my morning walk today I was reflecting on the account in Acts 16 of Paul and Silas singing songs in a Philippian jail.  I wonder if they had to fight for gratitude.  Perhaps gratitude was not the easiest choice for them.  Yet, it was a choice that they made and a choice that we must make even when gratitude might not be the yearning of our hearts.

Looking Back

As I reflect on gratitude this year, I recall the difficulty of choosing gratitude in the past.  One year ago, this weekend, I made the decision to leave the church I had pastored for five years.  Last Thanksgiving weekend, while many gathered with family and friends to express their thankfulness to God, I was writing my resignation letter.  Gratitude does not come easy at a time like this.  What made it even more difficult was that my resignation was effective upon delivery.  So, as I prepared for my final sermon, I also prepared for my resignation letter; one sermon, one letter, and one final week in the pulpit.  Looking back now, it still gets “under my skin” that I had to leave this way.  It would not have been my choice, but it was the one offered to me and I decided to oblige.  During this difficult time of transition, I needed to choose gratitude, and it did not come easily!

Sometimes, gratitude comes upon looking back at the sovereign hand of God in one situation or another and seeing how he has worked.  Looking back a year ago now, my heart is full of gratitude because God has done so many wonderful works since that time.  As I transitioned ministries, I am still amazed at how specifically God answered my prayers.  I had three very specific requests during that time.  First, for clarity concerning God’s will; this came in unexpected ways and through difficult circumstances, but never have I experienced such clarity concerning God’s will as I did back then.  The second was for employment through the end of the year, and God provided that through a meager yet appreciated severance package.  Finally, I asked God to provide a position that was still in ministry but not in church leadership so my family could recover for a while.  God answered this prayer by opening a door at just the right time to meet my need for employment and to fill a need at my current employer, Central Seminary.  God’s timing was remarkable, and I still marvel at the precision of his sovereign plan.

Since last Thanksgiving season, God has continued to bless in so many ways!  This past year was difficult, but God was so very good.  God has given me a continued ministry and an even broader scope of impact than I had before.  Here is some of what God has done this past year:

  • New job close enough to commute without moving
  • Starting a podcast for the seminary with over 4k plays in the last 9 months
  • Opportunity to sit with and interview seminary professors and other ministry leaders
  • Regular pulpit supply opportunities—in 1 year I have preached 12 times in 8 churches
  • Freedom in my schedule to finish ACBC certification—just about ready for Phase 3
  • Opening for continuing education—planning to pursue either a D. Min. or Th.M.
  • Connection with a growing church that is not fighting over “old paths” 

God has done so much in the past year; I cannot help but be thankful!  At times I wondered what he was doing, where he was leading, and how would I ever move forward amidst the difficult path ahead, but God performed some amazing works!

Final Thoughts

God expects us to be thankful and express our gratitude no matter what our circumstances.  Sometimes we must work harder than others, but we can still be thankful.  I often wonder, if gratitude is more of an act of faith than a response—we can praise God that he is working things according to his will even when we do not see, and especially when gratitude might be a difficult choice.  But if we remember God and the promises of his word, we can trust God and praise him in the storms of life.  One day, we will be able to look back and reflect, with gratitude, at the marvelous deeds of the Lord!        

Jared Matthew


Hey there, I’m Jared! I’m just an ordinary guy living in Minnesota. I’m the husband to a wonderful woman named Emily and a dad to four energetic and enthusiastic boys. I have had the privilege of serving as a pastor in several Minnesota churches, and currently serve as the director of communications at Central Baptist Theological Seminary. 

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